make teams

World class teams are built, not born

Shared challenges grow accountability

Winning as a team is the ultimate vibe-boost

We invested a few hours of our team's time to do a communication exercise with Vaiblab. Humanity was put in the forefront. The result is that the team broke through unseen ice and started working much better together.
Mathias Vaarmann
CEO at Sunly Retail
World class teams are built, not born
We invested a few hours of our team's time to do a communication exercise with Vaiblab. Humanity was put in the forefront. The result is that the team broke through unseen ice and started working much better together.
Mathias Vaarmann
CEO at Sunly Retail
Shared challenges grow accountability
I experienced a sense of freedom after discussing some of the pain points that we have in the company with colleagues.
Winning as a team is the ultimate vibe-boost
We need to organize a new event soon to draw strength from again.
Kadri Kasterpalu
Head of Employee Experience at CIVITTA

Hey Team Leader,

Planning your next team-building workshop? Your team is lucky to have you—someone who cares about a positive work environment and prioritizing people.

Building a great team takes teamwork itself. That's where we can step in. If you're looking for a partner for an effective team workshop, we're just a call away.

What does Vaiblab actually do?

At Vaiblab, we foster psychological safety to build a shared belief that it’s OK to take risks, to express ideas, to speak up with questions, and to admit mistakes.

  • Build trust
  • Embrace healthy conflict
  • Agree on shared vision

Trust is the magic behind resourceful teams. When team members feel safe to disagree and voice concerns, it leads to better decision-making and a more creative environment.

It’s no surprise that teams with clear, shared goals are more likely to hold each other accountable. Vaiblab helps your team develop and clarify a shared vision, driving results.

The team behind Vaiblab

Erki Veiko
Erki Veiko
+372 557 5041
Tailor by trait (founder of, programmer by education, emcee by heart, ex-Skype and 11+ years in startups. He carries the courage, vibrant humour and fire to the workshops. Weirdly contagious.
Taavid Mikomägi
Taavid Mikomägi
Growth marketer with a business degree, 3x founder, 9+ years in startups. He has taken time to travel, stay in monastery, study old practices; only to find the passion from growth business.
Guest Curator
We work with a wide range of professionals, a lot smarter than us—executive coaches, psychologist, motivation speakers and organisation therapists. You name the challenges, we bring in the expert. 
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